
 WEBINAR 5 -  Long story short During the webinar, the host showed us how to make our first video lesson. She told us that when starting this lesson it is important that we have a schedule of such activities so that there is not too much of it. The webinar was interesting, but in my opinion creating such a video takes a lot of time and is very laborious. Not everyone has the opportunity to create such a movie. The host showed and discussed the film editing. It might seem that creating such a film is easy, but for me it could be a huge challenge. I liked the fact that I could see an example video recorded by the leader, only then I saw how it looks in practice, which was a very good summary. Such classes are certainly interesting, however, in my opinion, very difficult to do for someone who, for exaple, is afraid to appear in front of the camera or has no contact with film editing. However, I am very happy that I could get to know this way of classes.
 WEBINAR 4 - Monnet International School The webinar was very interesting. I found out exactly what PYP (Primary Years Program) is. An interesting task was the task: Warm up activity. The leader asked to draw 9 identical circles and then change something in them. I also learned how important art and craft is for children. Art and craft develops childrens motor skills, practice their concentration. The webinar leader also told what you can do and what not. I learned that all inspirations can be in different things, for example in songs, seasons, cooking. She also showed many examples that she created together with the children. She showed many different and interesting inspirations about art and craft. Thanks this classes, language development is pleasant and interesting for young learners.


       Praktykę nauczania języka angielskiego miałam okazję odbyć pod opieką Pani Dominiki K., która jest nauczycielem edukacji wczesnoszkolnej w szkole podstawowej w Brwinowie. Przebieg praktyk oceniam bardzo dobrze. Podczas praktyk miałam okazję zobaczyć wiele pomocy dydaktycznych a przede wszystkim mogłam zobaczyć z jakimi podręcznikami można pracować w szkole podstawowej i jak wyglądają one od środka. Cenną wskazówką dla mnie zdecydowanie było spotkanie na którym rozmawiałyśmy w jaki sposób można przeprowadzić „lekcje bez przygotowania”, jakie zadania, zabawy możemy przeprowadzać bez pomocy i pasują do każdej lekcji. Ogromnie stresującym dla mnie momentem podczas praktyk było przeprowadzenie zajęć z dziewczynkami, jednakże po przeprowadzonych zajęciach byłam z siebie bardzo dumna, że udało mi się je przeprowadzić i stwierdzam, że to było bardzo ciekawe doświadczenie, pomimo obaw jakie miałam. Pozytywnym bodźcem dla mnie również były pozytywne komentarze od Pani Dominiki, jakie usły
 PRAKTYKI W PRZEDSZKOLU      Podczas praktyk miałam okazję zobaczyć dzieci podczas zajęć. Mogłam zaobserwować w jaki sposób zachowują się dzieci na zajęciach, jak są zainteresowane, jakie zajęcia sprawiają im trudność a jakie są dla nich łatwe. Cieszę się, że miałam okazję stworzyć wiele gier, kart pracy a także scenariusz zajęć dla dzieci. Zdecydowanie praktyki były bardzo owocne dla mnie i interesujące. Dzięki spotkaniom z Panią Anią mogłam zauważyć oraz dowiedzieć się wielu ciekawych rzeczy o których wcześniej nie wiedziałam. Miałam możliwość zobaczenia w praktyce jak wyglądają zajęcia z języka angielskiego. Miałam okazję stworzyć prace, które dzieci wykonywały na zajęciach i zobaczyć jak sobie z tym radzą. Pani Ania była bardzo miłą i pomocną nauczycielką mentorką. Dzięki niej nauczyłam się wielu rzeczy i mogłam zobaczyć jak wygląda praca nauczyciela języka angielskiego. Dzięki spotkaniom mogłam poprzez doświadczenia nauczycielki mentorki poznać tę pracę. Bardzo podobało mi się to
  WEBINAR 1 -   TEACHING ENGLISH TO YL USING VISUALS I think this webinar was the best webinar I watched. Despite the fact that the teacher told about many things that I had already seen, I really liked the way she conducted the classes. It was a pleasure to listen to this Lady. I liked the fact that we were able to actively participate in these activities. The leader asked us many questions. I also liked how the host showed a video in which the girl uses only words and in the second video she showed how the girl builds sentences (the book is mine, not only book). It was a surprise to me that the organization of vocabulary from the shortest to the longest words is wrong. I thought it was worth introducing short words to children first and then long words. I was wrong. The host also showed us a few websites that will be helpful for us to create various educational games for children, e.g. learningapps. I really like this site and use it often, so I made sure it was a good site to crea
  TEACHING MSP  In the first film, the teacher started the class by introducing himself, he immediately introduced a very good atmosphere. The children were very interested. The teacher then brought the children a box of surprises and the children took turns taking (fruit) out of the box. The lecturer asked the children what it was. It was great that the kids could see real objects and cards. It was evident that the children knew this vocabulary because they immediately knew the names of the fruits. Then the children recognized the fruit by the touch. This was new to me because it was the first time I saw it in movies. I like the fact that children could use not only the sense of sight but also touch to recognize the fruit. I think this video will be one of my favorites. You can see that the children are happy to repeat the vocabulary after the teacher. I also liked how the teacher linked the old vocabulary with the new one: on, in. I also really liked that the kids could experience
  WEBINAR 2 – TEACHING WITHOUT COURSEBOOKS IN A PUBLIC KINDERGARTEN In the second webinar, the host showed us many coursebooks she works with. I liked the fact that it didn't show the title pictures themselves, but I could see example tasks that are included in the book. For example, she showed us the "Hello Kids" coursebook, in which there is a lot of help that we can use when teaching children. This was very helpful as it is a convenience for the teacher and not all worksheets have to be made by himself. It gave me a lot of inspiration. She showed us why it is worth using coursebooks and why not. I found it interesting that one of the downsides to using coursebooks is that most of the time the children are sitting at the tables. I had never thought before that this was actually the case. At the same time, I was not surprised by the information on: If not coursebooks, what else? The lady suggested flashcards here. I don't think it was new to me. I know this tea